Convenient Office Location to Serve You

With over 35 years of full-time individual, marriage and family counseling, Sharon Scott, LPC, LMFT, offers quality counseling services to individuals (children, teens, adults) and families. She is a member of the Texas Counseling Association and a past President of the Northern Metro Counseling Association. She trains other counselors worldwide in her proven techniques as well as keeps up-to-date on new techniques by regular attendance at innovative workshops. In her own practice, Sharon provides counseling for families, children ages 5 - 18 and for adults on many issues such as:

*school problems
*children not following
rules at home
*sibling rivalry
*peer pressure
*low self-esteem
*anger management
*alcohol and other drugs
*social anxiety/shyness
*communication skills
*second opinion on life changes
*juvenile delinquency
*and more!

Sharon helps clients to define their problems, set realistic goals, and develop action plans to move them from where they are to where they want or need to be. Life skills are taught and practiced. She does not 'referee' families by allowing them to argue it out in her office--those attempts have already been unsuccessful at home! Instead she provides skills training to strengthen their strong points while improving any weak areas whether that be parenting skills, anger management, building self-esteem, improving methods of communication or other. Her compassionate, yet motivating methods, move clients through the counseling process as quickly as possible to save them money yet insure results!

She does accept some insurance (including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, United, Cigna, Optum and PHCS)--any payment due is by cash, zelle or check only. Sharon's McKinney office currently offers only telehealth sessions.

FREE Phone Consultation

Call 972-542-9999 for a free phone consultation with Sharon.