Books That Work! 972-542-9999 sharon@sharonscott.com |
How to Say No and Keep Your Friends, 2nd. Ed. is a practical and very readable book for teens and preteens that is filled with helpful suggestions, true stories, lively cartoons, and proven effective skills for managing all kinds of negative peer pressure. 87% of kids face peer pressure daily! After reading this award-winning book, adolescents will know what to say or do with such trouble traps as "Can I copy your homework?" or "This Bud's for you!" or "If you're my friend, you won't talk to her." The message in this new second edition is to stand out--not just fit in! Includes 125 sure-fire refusal lines plus a special chapter devoted to the most serious peer pressure problems involving alcohol, other drugs, sexuality and violence. $14.95
Peer Pressure Reversal: An Adult Guide to Developing a Responsible Child, 2nd. Ed. is the companion adult-guide to How to Say No and Too Smart for Trouble. This award-winning classic gets even better in this new second edition that provides parents, counselors, educators, and youth leaders strategies (and lesson plans) for helping youth from ages 5-18 manage all kinds of negative peer pressure from cheating or gossiping to more serious dares to skip school, drag race, drink alcohol or fight, etc. It also includes 25 tips on how to tone down society's negative impact on children at home or in the classroom, how to boost kid's self-esteem, how to discipline the instigator of trouble, and ways to help kids select appropriate friends. $14.95
When to Say Yes! And Make More Friends was written as a follow-up guide to How to Say No for teens and preteens teaching how to select and make quality friends, join groups, communicate effectively, and, in general, feel good about doing and being good! Too often kids feel like a nerd for being a good kid! This book presents life skills for approaching new people, building self-esteem, and bringing out the best in themselves and their friends. Especially useful for the quiet youth. And is an excellent text for peer helping groups who want to make a difference in their school or community! $9.95
Too Smart for Trouble is 'co-authored' by Sharon's savvy Cocker Spaniel, Nicholas, who makes it fun for children to learn how to manage peer pressure situations faced by the younger set such as talking in class, running in the hall, cutting in line, gossiping, lying, going too far from home, talking to strangers, and much more. Filled with delightful cartoons, thought provoking scenarios, and an entire chapter devoted to practice, this book is a must for children in grades K-5. "...this is a heroic book."--Roger Allen, Ph.D., Psychologist/Author $9.95
Nicholas' Values: A Child's Guide to Building Character is the newest addition to The Nicholas Collection! Children live in a fast-paced world, one that doesn't always encourage them to stop and think about the other people with whom they share this world. Using true stories of animals from around the country to illustrate important life values that will help teach children in grades 2-5 to be good and nice and kind, the authors have lovingly selected eight important character traits using the letters of Nicholas the Cocker Spaniel's name: Nice, Involved, Confident, Honest, Obedient, Loyal, Accountable, and Sharing. Reading specialist and former elementary teacher, Dr. Elizabeth Luse, says "Sharon Scott is the voice of clarity amidst the din of rock videos, negative media, and the 'affluenza' of today. Nicholas' Values is encouraging and practical. This is the book for building the character of our future... one child at a time." $9.95
Life's Not Always Fair: A Child's Guide to Managing Emotions finds Nicholas the upbeat Cocker Spaniel helping kids learn what to do when they feel mad, sad, scared or confused as well has how to handle happy emotions without bragging. With the increase of violence in our society, disrespectful attitudes of people of all ages, and the inability of young and old alike to manage their emotions, it is imperative for us to teach young children how to deal with stressful situations. Nicholas and his animal buddies, Mandy, Cedric, Katy, and Alexander, use actual events in their lives to help children in grades 1-5 learn to cope in positive, life-affirming ways with their emotions. Complete with problem-solving exercises, charming illustrations and real photos of the animals, and easy-to-follow suggestions, this book helps children manage their emotional well being. Emotional intelligence is crucial to helping children thrive and succeed! $11.95
Not Better... Not Worse... Just Different helps children in grades K-5 to learn to be more sensitive to others, avoid bullying, and even how to handle oneself when being teased. When children are very young, they will usually make friends with anyone and everyone without discriminating due to age, gender, race, intelligence, physical difference, or brand labels worn. Somewhere along the way, however, they learn that people are different. This can cause children to be unkind and tease unmercifully. Nicholas and his dog and cat friends once again use real events that happened to them to present a peaceful, non-violent message of acceptance. Family medicine physician, Dr. Peter Mendel says, "A wonderful book using simple language and animal characters that teaches children about prejudices of all kinds. This book should be read several times per year by young families!" $9.95
Too Cool for Drugs brings the combined 48 years of professional experience of family counselor Sharon Scott and Dr. Wayne Hindmarsh, Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, to realistically equip children in grades 1-5 with the knowledge and inner security to remain drug-free. To capture the interest of children, the book is written through the eyes of Nicholas, a proud to be drug-free Cocker Spaniel, whose inquisitive childlike qualities make him the perfect guide through this most difficult and important subject. The authors strongly believe that drug education should begin early and must be more than the simplistic 'drugs are bad--just say no!' Each chapter equips children with the scientific reasons to not use drugs and the methods for doing so! $9.95
Discounts Available! To Order Please Contact Author 972-542-9999 sharon@sharonscott.com |